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Assets are entities like images, audio, or Unity addressable files used within the game application. It can be mapped to inventory items (multiple), their thumbnails, and shop items.


Base endpoint: /api/v1/assets

Available Endpoints

1. Get Unity Asset

  • Method & PathGET unity/:applicationId/:assetname
  • Description: Allows a user to unlink a social account from their main account. The social provider to be unlinked must be specified in the URL.
  • Headers:
    • Authorization — Bearer token for user authentication.
  • URL Parameters:
    • provider — The name of the social provider to unlink (Facebook, Google)
  • Response Body:
    • message — Confirmation message indicating the successful unlinking of the account.

cURL Command

curl --request GET \

Response Body

Redirects to Unity Bundle file.

NOTE: Enter your unique app ID under applicationID and required asset name under assetName